Upland Marsh Home

The Upland Marsh: we're here!

Sea Season, 1620

Sections, possibly to be re-ordered:

Ash is back, and has plans

Returning from his scouting Ash is unwontedly quiet, normally he is ice cold in his demeanor but returning he seems to be more reflective than anything else.

He looks around, obviously not really seeing the people nearby, but taking in the sky, the swaying of the distant windkissed reeds, and the distant rise. He shakes his head then and turns away from the hills.

His back to the rise he kicks away, bracken, moss and lichen in a manner likely to offend earth priestesses. He squats and, drawing his dagger, begins to draw patterns in the bare soil. A series of squares, close to each other but not touching. He draws reed boats too, and then irregular shapes near this pattern.

He starts to grin his deaths-head smile, rises kicks away more vegetation, and draws more.

"Xerxis, you're an educated man. Come over here."

Ash turns away, looking back to the marsh, over it to the centre of the swamp where the sky is darkest. He's still grinning broadly, but his glance has a distant cast, as if he's seeing a future he enjoys.

Xerxis walks his careful walk over to Ash, and looks down at the scratches in the earth. His head changes angles several times, trying to figure it out. Then Xerxis comes over to Ash's side of the diagram.

After a few more moments, "Some strange village layout, with the buildings all the same size, and close together?"

Ash turns from his regard of the swamp's dark centre. "Perhaps its a vision from Humakt. Here let me show you."

Xerxis now looks at Ash with tilted head, and puzzled expression.

Ash squats again, the lumbering yet limber size of him conspiring to negate any sense of his being deferent.

He points to the squares. "These are floating gardens (3), we can build them up slowly using mud from the.." he points to the separations between the squares, "channels here."

"We'll live in the marsh. There's a small fish, my father told me, that lives in the many arms of a poisonous sea flower that grows on rocks underwater."

"We have enough reeds to make boats for all of us. If we need to we can move our village out of reach of attackers, and hide our fields in the marsh."

Ash grins..

Xerxis keeps watching waiting for the punchline.

When it doesn't arrive, he realizes that this isn't one of Ash's jokes. "You're serious?"

He looks at the plan some more, rubbing a finger across his chin thoughtfully. Then after a bit, "It's preposterous."

He looks at Ash. "But that might be what we need, actually, given the circumstances. At this point, I just need a safe place for my books. I'll back this plan if it gets us started on building."

"That said, we should see what the Darjiini think about your plan," Xerxis says finally.

Ash nods. "Darjini are swampers, so we'll need them to agree. I think we need an island in the swamp as well."

Ash shouts, "Hey Varo, come over here."

Since Varo still seems to be pondering the disaster that brought them to this godforsaken place, Ash shrugs.

"Someone needs to give that boy a belt across the face, bring him out of that bloody moping." Ash stops, obviously giving this offhand remark some consideration..

"Later, no-one else would.." he murmurs.

Xerxis knows enough about Ash to recall what a royal pain in the ass he is, a lone sword who fears nothing and no-one. So when Ash starts grinning his fiercely precocious grin Xerxis knows what's coming."

"Krenlaw, your royal chieftainship, come over here will you? I've got something to put to you." Not getting immediate compliance from the new leader Ash injects sarcasm into the mix. ".. when you've got a minute. It's not like I've got all day like."

Krenlaw wanders across and listens to Ash's idea. "It seems sounds enough but two things you should remember at present, first I am not yet leader nor may I ever be so the decision is not mine to make and secondly it will take some time to build things and currently we need somewhere to sleep now." Raising his voice and addressing the group as a whole he says "For the long term we need to build homes into the marsh but for tonigh I suggest we pitch camp and the small rise Oheha has found then we'll carry out the same stag (4) as we used all the way down here."

Ash grins at Krenlaw, perhaps making him a little uncomfortable.

"Marsh life would increase the prestige of your group, but be careful not to push too hard Krenlaw should you rise to the top. Our band is small enough as it is without seeing it split into two by intransiagence."

"Come on Xerxis, let's talk to Oheha."

Ash passes Varonil, waves his hands in front of the Yanafili's face.. "Anyone home?" he asks. Disgusted with the Yanafili's passivity he moves on to find Oheha.

He walks up, heavily armed and armoured still, not caring what tracks he leaves here in the trodden mud. Outside of the camp he chooses his footing carefully.

"Oheha, we need to find an island in the marsh, something solid, close to the river if possible. Think you're up for it?"

Ash outlines his idea for living and farming in the marsh.

She listens with interest. "It sounds like a possible idea, if the water's shallow enough for it to work here. I like it, myself. And we've got all the building materials we need."

"But... how do you get all these cattle on to a floating island? There's hundreds of them!" She looks at the slow, noisy, clumsy beasts in some disgust. "They'd fall off. Or panic."

"And we'd be outside Yugor's protection, you know. He protects the land, not the water.

"I'll look for an island for you, sure, as soon as we get this lot settled and secure. A boat would help, of course, we'll have to see about building something. But I'm not convinced your plan's practical, lovely though it is."

"It would be interesting to find out, though....", she says rather wistfully.

Xerxis pipes up from behind Ash. "I have no idea if it's a great idea or not, but it's a plan. And that's what we need now. A plan that we can work on without the help of outsiders."

He continues looking at both Ash and Oheha, "That's not to say that we shouldn't talk to the Ducks, and get some trade going...just that we have to have something to start on in the meanwhile. If and when we get wood, we can start looking at crannogs, too. No reason not to try both, and see what works best."

"Anyhow, I overheard that you've done some scouting for spirits, (reworded to past tense not future - is that OK? JW) Oheha - I think that I might go and see if I can discern anything magical about our lands as well," Xerxis looks about judging the time from the sun. "Perhaps tomorrow, however. I'm going to have my men put up our tent and get some rest. It's been a long journey, no?"

He smiles at his compatriots, and heads off to where his men are sitting. In the distance, Oheha and Ash eventually see him exhorting his men to their feet, and directing them to the spot where the camp will be for the night.

Ash grins, apparently not dismayed in the slightest..

"I still think we should have our settlement down by the marsh. Grazing on the land is fine for the cattle, but if we have fields and such on the marsh we'll all be better for it I think. I see no reason why we cant have overlapping areas. Besides cattle wont be able to graze on much of this.."

Ash's gesture takes in the broad expanse of tired, looking land with its thin waterlogged soil.

"The fodder for the cattle will need to be cut from the marsh. Up there on the ridge we would be beggars in short order, scraping out a living from the thin soil. We should have a broch there though so we could see an enemy coming, but no, we shouldn't live there. When our floating fields take root in the marsh then will they be within Yugor's protection."

"Within the marsh there will be food such as fish, green reeds for building and fodder, plus concealment. Protection we would have save from undead. However knowing this weakness we could take action to prevent it long being a weakness, turning it instead into a strength."

"We have no wood for crannogs, so I see nothing better than what I suggest."

"Ash, have you looked at the plants in the Marsh? Really looked, I mean? I know they're bright green, at least in places, but all the ones I recognised were poisonous. And war-poison, too, not hunting poison."

Realising that he won't know that bit of Mud Walker jargon, she adds, "If you use them to kill, you can't eat the meat."

"There's not much in the way of animals out there. I didn't see signs of many fish, either. Nor birds. There's a few things at the edges, but even they seem all wrong, and further out..." she shivers. "I heard noises, but they weren't any animal I've heard before. It's all wrong. Maybe Humakti don't see it, maybe I'm just over-sensitive after going over to the Other Side and chatting to ghosts, but I didn't like it. Not at all."

Ash growls at the girl before him, he advances on her menacingly as if to break her in two, his eyes dark coals of anger.

"Who do you think you are talking to girl, some witless trollkin?" the words are strained, pushed through a heavy veil of anger. His hands clench and unclench, and his nostrils flare.

"Get out of my sight before I lay thee out for the vultures to feast on."

She shrugs, giving up on him. "If that's the way you want it..." She casts a knowing and sympathetic glance at Xenobia, and wanders back to the rest of the group, apparently looking for someone. A cloud of midges rises from the mud behind her, hard to see in the gathering dusk (I'm assuming after all this time it must be evening?) The shadows from the campfires flicker, and it almost looks as if the snake tattoos on her arms move of their own volition.

Ash for his part turns from her departing back, clenching his fists. He glares out across the marsh as if he would set fire to it with his eyes. He glances sideways once at Aix and Porta, looking like he would take back his harsh words if he could, only for the shutters to come down across his face a moment later.

Not looking at either Aix or Porta, Ashuvuerda the Carmanian Humakti, grinds his teeth and speaks through clenched teeth. "I still say fighting Delecti is all about fighting the marsh. Everything else is a distraction. To win against him you need to take back two yards for every yard he takes. His eyes can't be everywhere at once!"

"Ach, this is where you are mistaken, he has thousands of servants, all with eyes. They watch do his bidding and watch his marsh for him. Once the land is claimed by the Dancers there is no getting it back, it is his. You will soon learn this if you survive long enough."

Porta and Ash chat

Ash wanders over to Porta, seemingly doing the rounds and having noticed that Porta is not doing much.

He nods at each one in turn..

"Porta, Aix."

Ash looks around, looking irritable and bored. "Hope something attacks us tonight, this place is so boring that it would have one of those white healer bleeding hearts duelling for a bit of excitement."

"I have an idea for living and farming in the marsh. I believe it's inspiration from Humakt himself. Probably good for ducks as well." he adds grinning. "Either of you two know where I can find the local Humakti?"

Porta nods as Ash approaches. "Shine, Ash", he greets him, offering a wineskin full of sweet Kostaddi wine. "I know, this place is in ataxia(5) at the moment. Half the lads are wandering around idly and nothing is getting done. Most of our glorious leaders seem to come down with swamp fewer or worse (Porta grins sarcastically). A ny ideas would surely be welcomed. Did you talk to Krenlaw? At least he is trying to get things organized. As for Humakti... I dunno. Surely they will be abundant in a place like this. Aix?"

Porta looks quizzically at the small duck.

Ash grunts at the greeting, seemingly out of sorts, however there is a glint in his eye which suggests there's more going on than is readily apparent.

"Krenlaw?, yes I did. He seemed open to the idea."

Ash waits on Aix to answer the question.

"The Durulz have lots of Humakti throughout their valley mostly gathering near to the edges of the Marsh, and the humans to the north have lots who often venture into the marsh killing undead things but we stay clear of them. They don't know how to navigate the swamp properly and easily get themselves in trouble."

"Would there be any reason why the idea of having floating fields would not work? Your people would seem well suited to such an idea and so I wonder if there's a reason it hasn't worked hereabouts. Surely taking swamp back from Delecti would suit ducks well enough, especially the Humakti among them."

Aix splutters and quacks loudly at this, "Foolish human, do you think we have sat here for 500 hundred years and not tried everything we can think of to rid ourselves of this evil? Short invasions into his marsh can be successful but anything that allows him to muster him forces for repeated battles will get driven out and just give him more bodies to build his army."

Ash merely smiles the smile of the fanatic... "We have to start somewhere, the line between marsh and land would seem ideal, wouldn't you say. The only way to hold a line in my opinion is to actually hold it, not run from it or cower back from it. In any case it sometimes needs new blood and new ideas to bring hope to a hopeless situation."

Xerxis looks for essences

Xerxis, upon hearing the terms, Ghost, and spirit, is intrigued by word of Oheha's report.

Later, as his men are setting up their tent on the mound, he goes to the top of it, and examines the white stone, and the area all around. Using his trained eye (AKA Symbolic Sight) to spot things holy to the one god, he tries to see if he can see anything there.

Also, considering the description of Oheha's little view of her otherworld, Xerxis considers getting his apprentice, and constructing a quick portal of power. But he's not particularly good at this - a beginner, really - and has never created one without substantial aid. And so he decides against it for the moment. Perhaps when everyone is more settled.

Instead he looks around to see if there are any essences about, expecting little of the one god's touch in this forsaken land. Still a ray of hope exists in his heart that, perhaps, the spot they've stumbled on is blessed. No matter how unlikely that seems as he considers the benighted landscape.

Up on top of the mound Xerxis is not sure what he will see but as he activates his Symbolic Sight the same form that Oheha saw of a durulz bathed in red light becomes aparent to him. It is surrounded by a swarm of smaller spirits which makes him look as if he is in the middle of a swarm of mosquitos.

Xerxis takes in the being for a moment, noticing that it is not hard to view or blurry, like the visions that he's had on rare occasions of spirits, or souls, it's a creature of essence. Which leaves only one likely conclusion - Oheha has to have been mistaken, this being is a ghost. One of those who have passed into the afterlife, but who have not gone on to Solace.

Zerxis kneels before the creature in deference. "Forgive my dumbfoundedness, but I did not expect that the hand of God had touched this part of the world such as to have worshippers such as yourself in life. And it's my great sorrow that you have not been allowed to pass beyond to the Solace that you surely deserve. Indeed God must have great need for you here for him not to let you pass beyond. Your geas to protect this place is holy indeed, and I would be a fool not to pledge myself to this cause, and yet live here."

The words rush out of Xerxis. He pauses, noting the white stone not far off. He stands, and walks to it, placing his hand on it. "I pledge that I shall never lend aid to the evil master of the Marsh, Delecti, and that I will devote all my resources to his destruction." The oath takes a toll on Xerxis somehow, and he drops to his knees again.

The image of the duck just hovers where it is, seeming to ignore Xerxis, but it smiles gratefully when he swears his oath.

Xerxis spots Ash making his way up to the mound. It seems he is making use of whatever concealment is available and appears to be covering the ground relatively quickly. These are skills not normally known to Humakti however.

Xerxis gets a little furrow in his brow, and a look on his face like, "What are you doing?"

Assuming that Ash is somehow afraid of disturbing the denizens of the mound, Xerxis turns back to the holy red duck trying not to give away Ash's position in doing so, and says, "May another approach at this time?"

The essence of the duck continues to hover unanswering.

Xerxis is glad of the look the thing gave him when he made his oath, and decides to be a little daring.

"Ash!" he says, "Come up here. This being is a friend, I think."

Then, thinking further, "Can you see him, Ash? Does he appear to you, as he does to both my senses and Oheha's?"

Ash arrives at the mound. Thus exposed on the ridge, they can be seen for miles. Ash scans the surrounding land before turning to Xerxis. "You can never be too careful"

Turning to the mound itself Ash uses his theistic magical sight to see what can be seen. "I have no idea how either you or Oheha see him."

At Ash's first comment, Xerxis looks about a bit startled. After a moment of looking around to see what could possibly be impending he says, "Too careful of what? Is there news of raiders near or something?"

Then, noting Ash looking where the essence being is, he responds to Ash's other statement, "Well, I can't really speak for Oheha, but she sees the spirits of her primitive world. We worshippers of the One God see those places and things that are still bathed in the glory of his presence, and not tarnished by the mortal world. This holy Durulz seems somehow to be of this nature, or at least perceptible by the same means. As I understand it, those of your cult, and ones like it, can see the souls of beings, including the daimons from your god world..."

"I'm just wondering if Oheha and I can both see it well...then perhaps you can, too with your sight. If so, then this is a very special being indeed."

After a moment with Ash his curiousity peaks as Xerxis looks back at the being, "So?"

With some concentration Ash indeed does find that he can see the red hovering form of a duck all decked out in bright plate armour with a very prominent Death rune on his chest.

Xerxis sees in his eyes that Ash can see the being as well. An urge strikes him, and he hurries off down the hill. If Oheha could see the thing in her otherworld, and it seemed to appear to people who could see beings from other otherworlds, then wouldn't it stand to reason that talking to it could be accomplished by opening up any otherworld. Not just Oheha's spiritworld, but perhaps the magic plane as well?

Ash looks around at Xerxis, but doesn't say anything, figuring how he looks should be enough of a hint. He remains silent till the Carmanian Sorcerer leaves in a state of obvious excitation. Ash shrugs at this and returns his gaze to the being before him. "I am Ashuvuerda sworn to Humakt, how may those who are dead perform his holy will in these lands?" Ash like all Humakti doesn't frighten easily, and so he is polite with this servant of Humakt, following the rituals that the Humakti have developed to save honour and face and thus prevent them from killing each other.

The duck smiles slightly at the question but otherwise remains silent

As Xerxis comes down the hill, he checks his clothes to make sure that he looks his normal well groomed self, and casts an Appear Groomed Spell just to be sure. He collects his retinue and then heads for the largest group of folks he can find waiting around for something to do. He approaches then slightly nervous, but with the certainty and dignity of one born in Carmania. Just to steel himself before he gets there, he casts his spell to focus his will. Not being innately particularly well spoken in such circumstances, he casts his Convincing Argument spell to do the talking for him.

"Friends," he says with his charming smile, "I think that it would be good to speak to the being of the mound some more yet today..."

Xerxis attempts to convince those gathered to help him in opening up the magic otherword - to create a portal of power. In part it is merely his curious nature that drives Xerxis on, needing to discover if his plan will work. But his need to do this act is also driven by his need to please god, to show Him that he intends to bring his faith to this new land. He uses his prowess in memorization to good use, recalling the names of most of those who are present, asking for their help by name.

"And you, Argarik. Will you come up the mound and aid me in my task?" he finishes looking at the assembled soldiers and scouts. In his argument, Xerxis indicates that they will not be in harm's way, that if anything should go wrong, that he alone will take the brunt.

He manages to enlist some grudging support from the people he's asked, they're not realy sure why they need to do this and how it will help them in the long run, after all the mad Darjiin woman can already speak to the dead duck.

Intrigued by Oheha's description of the mound, Varonil heads towards it just as Xerxis exhorts the crowd for support. While the teachings of the Seven Mothers preach openness and inclusion, Varonil's devotion to Yanafal Tarnils make him stand apart from the ritual, although he watches with interest.

Porta grins as he listens to Xerxis' eloquent speech. "Come on, Aix, this sound like a laugh." The red-headed Vanchite and the small duck ascend the mound to support the wizard.

Before getting to work on the circle, Xerxis turns to Ash, "Would you like to participate? It's likely that Yugor will be in a place that your sword will be able to help reach. I don't suppose I could borrow it for the ceremony?"

Xerxis almost winces getting out the last request, hoping that Ash doesn't decide suddenly that he'd make a good sacrifice for Humakt.

The Humakti's face hardens at the request and he steps towards Xerxis while drawing the blade, then seeming to change his mind he hands the sword to Xerxis. "If it is not returned to me in the state I have given it to you you will die. But I will offer a prayer to Humakt to aid your rite."

Xerxis gathers all of the people willing to aid him and has his assistant, Nilgar, arrange them as needed. Then when all have done their part he calls upon St. Henshelek and the invisible God to open the way for him. The air around him seems to shimmer and glow bright red before it fades to normal. Xerxis finds himself stood on top of the mound next to Yugor while all the aides seem to be mere shadows or wraiths.

"Gweetingths Human, I am Yugor. How may I aid you in this place?"

Xerxis heaves a sigh of relief that the sword hasn't vanished or anything during the ritual, and hands it back to Ash with a nod of respect.

Turning back to Yugor he calms himself and then speaks, "Oh mighty Yugor. You have been so good as to allow for those who commit to your cause to remain on this land, and for that all are grateful."

Xerxis gets down on his knees, and prostrates himself before the being. "In order that we be able to serve your cause well, and if you would see fit, I would ask of you with the greatest of respect that you might allow one of your servants to come be amongst us in the mortal world to act as a guardian for our new settlement."

As he says this, Xerxis gestures up from the ground at the beings circling the magnificent waterfowl of death. "With such aid we would certainly be better able to advance your cause in a much more effective manner."

Then thinking better of trying to counsel such a being, "But it is to your judgement that we defer. If you bestow upon us this gift, I will be the first to pledge myself to following such proscriptions as you would place upon us for its service. I patiently await your reply, mighty Yugor."

"This I will allow but it will require you to complete a task which is beyond me or my servants as we are bound to the land here and may not enter the marsh. Close by in the waters of this place a foul creature dwells, the Durulz call such beasts marsh wights. If you can kill it or drive it off then I will allow one of my servants to become your guardian. Is this agreeable?"

Xerxis shudders at the name, and the idea of a thing from the swamp, though he's not sure precisely what a wight is. In any case, he is no warrior, and killing most anything beyond him. Still Xerxis feels compelled to see it done for the good of the group.

"I accept your quest, oh mighty one," says Xerxis. "Let me know the way, and I'll do what I can to see that the foul thing is dispatched."

"Go then and return when you have achieved your task. If you keep your friendship to me then when you try to open a portal at this place I will aid you from this side."

He then gives directions, pointing you into the swamp not more than 400m from where you have chosen to make camp.

An undead-bash?

Xerxis ends the ritual, thanking Yugor for his patience, thanks all who participated in the ritual as well, and then heads straight to Ash. "Yugor wants something called a Swamp Wight killed, in that direction, just out of his reach. Know what that is?"

And then, "Would you be interested in helping Yugor out here? I'm sure he'd be grateful, and he says that he'll give us a guardian from amongst his follower beings."

Ash grins, pretty much when Xerxis said he wanted something killed. His grin lessens not an iota as Xerxes continues speaking..

"It is a powerful abomination, though I will have to see what lore I can remember of them. I'll set out with the dawn. If anyone wants to come along they're welcome to."

Porta gives his sidekick a gentle kick in the side as they listen and asks "What's a Marsh Wight then, duckie?"

The duck lets out what seems like an exasperated sigh. "You know the darkmen that live way up north in the hills and mountains? It is about the size of one of those. It lurks in the marsh trying to catch travellers to eat but it eats the other part of you as well as the body. It uses tricks to try and lure people into the water because while in there it is stronger than any man, only Indrodar has ever broken one's grip and he was a god! Get them onto the land but be careful of their luring magic which will make you want to swim with them."

Xerxis indicates that he will be coming along with his men, for whatever that's worth.

"I don't know if I'll be able to help you fight this thing, whatever it is," Oheha says. "Undead are a matter for specialists - you tell me what I can do if anything and I'll do it. But if you tell me what we're looking for, and what tracks it leaves, I'll see if I can help you find it, and see what else may be around that would cause us problems."

"That would be most helpful I'm sure," says Xerxis. "Ash, if you think there's anyone else we need - perhaps our man with the Wyvern - would you arrange for them to be along? I have no idea how difficult an undertaking this is, so I leave it to you to arrange the force needed, should it be more than we have now."

He then retires for the evening. As they set up camp, Rothi, Xerxis' manservant comes running up, "It sounds like they're going to be going immediately to kill the w- what was it?"

"Wight," responds Xerxis wearily. "I suppose no better time than the present."

He gets his mem back together and heads back to where Ash and the rest are planning. He then listens diligently to their ideas waiting for somebody to call on him for support.

Ash grins nastily. "On land I can kill it."

"We need to set a trap, feign weakness to lure it out then close the door. I'd guess that closing the door behind it quickly enough would be up to our illustrious Wyvern rider. If it sees me first it'll not bite though. Any ideas?"

Ash's grin suggests he has something in mind but is waiting to hear what else is out there..

"Well... if we want someone to look like dinner, and then dodge out of the way fast, I'll give it a go" says Oheha. "I'm probably going to be the one closest to it to start with anyway, since I'll be scouting. I can try not to look too threatening, and if I know what wights find tasty, imitate that as well. Just as long as you all get in there quick once it's on land!"

Varonil has been watching the ritual with interest. When Xerxis enters the essence plane and returns with news of the Marsh Wight, he joins the group to discuss dealing with the beast.

"I will gladly participate in slaying this Marsh Wight. I would not be able to rest with a creature that close to our camp in any case, even without Yugor's prompting. I can certainly act as the anvil to Ash's hammer, if we want to draw out the Wight."

"Indeed", says Porta, who has drifted close to the group. "This thing sounds like it wants killing and stuffing. Can't have the Predark disturbing us while we set up camp. I suppose we're lucky it didn't snack on some of our 'talented' scouts first, eh?"

He nudges Aix and the duck dutifully responds with a quackish titter.

"So, if we dispatch this soggy undead, the ghostly duck will aid us? Sounds fine to me. If you don't mind, I'll stroll along. I've never seen one of these beasties before - and sure, if it gets irritated, I can show it a few scary visions to distract it."

Ash, seemingly satisfied with this. "Alright then, sounds like we have a plan. Oheha is bait drawing the thing to the hammer, Varonil and his wyvern are the anvil. Others provide support."

Ash grins evilly, "This thing is going to be hard to kill."

"We should get prepared and meet back here shortly, yes? Come on, Aix, we're going Wight-hunting."

Porta returns after a short while, wearing his armour and carrying both scimitar and shield. On his back is an efficient-looking Vanchite bow and a quiver of arrows.

Aix is dragging a scimitar behind him and tosses a small stone up in the air and catches it again. He is trying hard to look deadly and dangerous - but fails utterly...

3 When the city of Tenochtitlan grew to the point where there was no more room for expansion on the island, the people were forced to move out onto the lake areas. This was when the chinampas or 'floating gardens' were invented. The chinampas especially helped the agricultural expansion. The chinampas were constructed by bunching twigs together and then stacking mud on top of the twigs. They were not anchored at first and could be towed until the plants roots anchored into the lake floor. Chinampas were very busy places. Turkeys were kept in small gardens with a hut to go into at night. Dogs ran around freely. When the dogs were fully grown they were often killed and eaten. The women grew flowers on the chinampa and sold them in the market. The men grew the corn. When the corn was ripe, it was put into corn bins and taken to the market or eaten later in the year.

4 stag is short for staggered guard and is a British army term for guard duty

5 It's hard to say "Chaos' in New Pelorian... :)

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