Kallyr Starbrow: Re-lighting the Flame of Sartar

A few notes on the date of this event.

Minaryth Blue in his "Events of my life" (KoS p 212) tells us:

1627 -- Queen Kallyr lights Flame of Sartar, Fire/water/stasis. We defeat Lunars at Sword Hill.
There is no such thing as Water Week, nor as Stasis Day. However, let us compare this with the CHDP account (p 156) of the re-lighting of the Flame (which attributes it to Argrath, but may have other details correct).
This was Day 88, of 1627.

Now Day 88, in Sartarite terms, has a very specific meaning. It's the day when Sartar founded Boldhome. From "Boldhome" (Pavis compendium #1,234) p218:

Boldhome was founded on "Day 88", better known as Fire season, water week, stasis day, 1492. But Prince Sartar called it Day 88 when he did it, and it has remained that way ever since. In fact, it is the 88th day of the Orlanthi year, one week before the Orlanth high holy day for the season.

The mention of the non-existent water week and stasis day is here, as well. In fact the 88th day of the Orlanthi year is fire/stasis/wind, and it is indeed a week before the Orlanth holy day (not high holy day) for that season.

From asking Greg, I gather that he has no real idea what happened here, either.

The original lighting

How was this done originally?

We have two accounts of how Sartar lit the Flame: one in "Boldhome" (Pavis compendium #1,234, KoS p219), which seems to have been written only 15 years after the event, and one in CHDP (KoS p 137) written in about 1640, sources unknown.


"After many years the work of the Founder was done. The king called his family, servants and subjects together at the palace, and thanked them all. According to the law he gave his last will and testament, and then they all selected Sartar's son Saronil to be the next king. Sartar led everyone outside, and the folk acclaimed Saronil king too.

Sartar ascended atop the great bronze brazier which you can see, day or night, from anyplace in the city. He gave his last speech, praising the folk and commanding them to guide their leaders well. Then he led everyone in the Song of Immolation, which is sung when corpses are burned. As they sang a great light grew around Sartar, brighter and brighter until no-one could look at it anymore. It was a bright white flame, then, and as the song vanished form the air the astonished onlookers saw it cool to be the fifteen foot tall orange flame which we see today. Sartar had gone on to the immortal realms, from whence he still guides us all."


"Sartar's greatest metamorphosis was that of changing himself into an immortal. His path had been long and dangerous, and more than slightly lucky, during his years among the bloodthirsty warriors. Yet he had passed all tests, slowly accumulating the things needed for apotheosis. In 1520 he assembled his family, many priests, and most loyal followers at the huge bronze brazier near his palace overlooking Boldhome. Before their eyes, and those of the thousands of people further below, he lit the Flame of Sartar, bestowed his last blessings and instructions to those closest to him, and strode into the flames where his body was consumed.

The cult of Sartar continued after his apotheosis. His voice was heard in the Flame, and his magics worked for his heirs to the kingdom."

Spot the difference? In the original version, Sartar gives his instructions, steps into the brazier, and becomes the Flame. In CHDP, he lights the Flame (somehow!), gives his instructions, then steps into an already-lit Flame and burns. Where, I wonder, did Denseros get his source?

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